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Orchard Barn is run by OBee Community Interest Company

These are our Objectives or watch our YouTube video

1.     Provide environmentally sustainable indoor and outdoor facilities and structure for community activities.

2.    Increase participation in heritage activities.

3.    Provide opportunities for learning traditional skills through practical participation.

4.    Employ, and encourage the use of, natural resources and organic techniques through education, communication of best practices and practical demonstration of uses.

5.    Conserve and enhance the historic features of the local landscape, including traditional orchards.

6.    Develop community-supported vegetable plots, orchards, and woodland.

7.    Encourage existing wildlife, and aim to increase biodiversity, by improving the habitat of sites within the local community.

8.    Provide increased access to, and opportunities for exercise in, green space that is close to the community.

9.    Increase, through a holistic educational programme, community awareness and understanding of the effect the individual has on the environment – and the vital interconnectedness between the health of the environment and the health of the individual.


watering can

visitors to the garden at Orchard Barn